Job Training

Job Training Incentives

Employers who come to the Horizon City area can benefit from numerous subsidized training programs for their employees, available from a wide variety of local, state and federal sources.

Smart Jobs Fund

Businesses that bring jobs to Texas, create new jobs, or significantly upgrade technology may qualify for matching funds to train their new employees. Most companies use the wages they pay to their trainees as their match.

Smart Jobs Technical Assistance Project

The El Paso Community College Office of Customized Training and UTEP's Texas Manufacturing Assistance Center will assist businesses in preparing and submitting Smart Jobs applications. Businesses may select any training provider they want, and the service is free.

The El Paso Community College's Mission Valley Campus, located just 10 minutes from the center of Horizon City, offers Horizon City area industries the "Smart Jobs" programs as well as job training classes customized to meet a company's needs.

El Paso Manufacturers Training Consortium

This organization, based at El Paso Community College, serves manufacturing business and industry with training in many areas, from technical to office skills to basic English and math. Many participating companies received customized training at little or no cost.

Dislocated Worker Retraining Funds

The federal government funds job retraining in the Horizon Communities/El Paso area for workers whose jobs have gone offshore. Both customized and ongoing training is provided.

El Paso PREP Fund

Under PREP (Proactive Reemployment Project), founded by the U.S. Department of Labor, training and retraining of workers is available for industry-specific jobs, on-the-job training, off-site customized instruction, on-site company-specific training, and entrepreneurial training.

Upper Rio Grande Private Industry Council, Inc.

This organization can fund all or part of an employee's on-the-job training, what can be supplemented by classroom instruction. The training can be industry specific or customized to your company's needs.

Texas Workforce Commission

Using state and federal funding, the TWC provides a wide range of services to employers, including statewide recruitment, interviewing and assessment, employability training, and referrals. TWC can fund customized training programs and can help employers access available tax credits.


Find Out More

More detailed information on business opportunities and the El Paso region is available upon request. Amongst other things, you can download graphic and marketing tools. Further information is available at: El Paso Chamber of Commerce or contact Horizon Communities.